It’s time to try
Sports Massage!
What is Sports Massage
Sports massage has been growing in popularity over the last decade, so much so that many professional sports teams have massage therapists on staff. When you come to Superior Massage Therapy, your therapist will be educated in how you use your muscles for the activities you do. Your therapist will understand the demands of your sports, which muscles are most involved in those movements and what to do to keep those muscles performing.
Why Chose Sports Massage
Have you ever had a relaxation massage? You go in, they slather you in lotion and it usually feels great while you’re on the table, but when you get up that pain, the reason you got a massage, is still there.
Thats why you get a sports massage. When you get a sports massage, the therapist will ask you about your performance goals and they’ll help you achieve those goals
Increased flexibility
Decreased recovery time
Decreased Chance of Injury
Benefits of
Sports Massage
Improve Performance
Increase energy level
Improve concentration
Reduce fatigue
Reduce pain
Decrease DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
Decrease General aches and pains
Prevent Injury
Move Better
Increase Flexibility
Increase Range of Motion
Reduce Inflammation